الأحد، 17 أغسطس 2014

Zanzibar Island

Zanzibar Island

The island of Zanzibar with a private entity has its own governor followed a head of state of Tanzania. The island of Zanzibar Island are predominantly Muslim, complaining difficult situations Poverty is often the population, but they are characterized by the goodness of attractive and special welcome to use it some Arabic words which inherited from their parents, who worked with the Omanis for commercial purposes or as slaves to the wealthy among them. To the island of Zanzibar special character different from what other African Bekaa, Vttaek doors of Indian origin, which came by the Arabs in the city center, "Stone Town", which still contains traces of Arab European. Anzhl tourist when you walk around in Stone Town Vijal that touring the Museum of Omani or Arabic, and especially that most of the men wearing cuff Omani island which is originally Zenjbaria. Away from the island culture and history of the Arab African Vlzenjabbar scent replete Babq pepper and spices that I knew her. Round spice and pepper among other things that a tourist should go to, wherein recognize the stages of the development of the seed spices until they reach the user through the round between farms Alzenjbarien. For the tourists to visit many other places as an island princesses (he was in prison for the princesses and then transformed it into quarantine, and it is protected for turtles), a cruise to see the dolphins and the house Wonderland (museum). Considered Zanzibar Island is ideal for tourists lovers of heritage and history, who would like to go boil unique places and different cities civilized, it's also the perfect destination for lovers of the sea, Vmentdjaadtha high-end provides a unique service for the lovers of the sea, but not without visiting this island of trouble, most of the resorts in this island town about an hour from the city center is compelling on a tourist to go every hour to the center of town, where it is the starting point of all trips. The streets are unpaved and convenient to tourists is compelling seniors to take this into account. For fans traveling to you Zanzibar and classified them within Jhatkm granulocytes, look for the alleys between the wonderful pictures, interlocutors population of Arabic and enjoyed. Bon voyage!
Photos from the island of Zanzibar:
Zanzibar Island
tanzania trip 038
tanzania trip 099
Zanzibar Island
Zanzibar Island

Lakes in Bosnia

Lakes in Bosnia

There in Bosnia and Herzegovina, more than a hundred Lake, which imparts a wealth of other features of water. Abound in Bosnia and Herzegovina mountain lakes surrounded by a wonderful natural environment, gives a sense of comfort for the lovers of mountain climbing and walking in nature, fishermen and adventurers.

Lake Aaplanicko

Lakes in Bosnia
Lake is Aaplanicko of the largest lakes river synthetic in this part of Europe, with a length of 31 km, which attracts fishermen and bathers, which is suitable for water sports, particularly sailing, packed Aldftan along the lake hotels and guest houses, camps and private rooms,
Lakes in Bosnia
Lovers can fish to buy fresh fish from the locals who offer Glethm rich fish on the edge of the road.

Lakeata Blevsco large and small

And just a few kilometers from the city of Aaatsa located Lakeata Blevsco large and small.
Lakes in Bosnia
Hardly imagine the possibilities offered by these two recreation Seaertan, from fishing and canoeing, cycling, jumping in the water and swim,
Lakes in Bosnia
To other activities on the banks such as volleyball, cycling and walking, Menteha meals grilled meat in the park known when water mills.

Lake Buraczko

Buraczko Lake is located between mountains and Brin Fasuchetsa and Balahwicsa, an amusement park and lovable station break for domestic and foreign tourists, and away from the city Konets 20 km, which is a natural mountain lake, suitable for swimming and rest and recreation. The Committee for hunters and fishermen.
Lakes in Bosnia
You can establish camps on the banks of the lake and campfire Xi meat. The best places are next to the restaurant and a shoe where the water table shaded.

Lake Modrats

Lake became Modrats attract large numbers of tourists after the war, due to the well-organized beaches in the local Broskovchi. The total length of 1500 meters beach organized and where many of the buildings, and the beach is considered the most organized in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Lakes in Bosnia
And existing buildings on this beach restaurants, hotels, guest houses, cafes and some sports facilities (tennis handball, basketball and beach volleyball). Will be held at the lake fishing competitions and a series of cultural events and sports.
Lakes in Bosnia
In addition to this artificial beach regulator, there is along Lake Modrats exquisite places for rest and recuperation.

Lake Bledinescu

Lakes in Bosnia
Lake Bledinescu is a mountain lake the largest in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is situated at an altitude of 1185 m above sea level, and has a length of 2.5 km and presentation of 2 km, and more parts of depth does not exceed a depth of 3 meters, it is a shallow lake average depth of about half a meter, and can be accessed Using Jablanica or Busochea.

Lake Kutlanatescu

Lakes in Bosnia
Lake Kutlanacko in Mount Željngura located at an altitude of 1528 m above sea level, surrounded by a wonderful environment of beauty, it is one of the most beautiful natural lakes, it is still a virgin untouched by human hands, due to the difficulty of access, and the lake is very rich in fish, and where there is a salamander, which animal amphibian settlers.
Lakes in Bosnia

10 best cities for winter holidays

10 best cities for winter holidays

1 Prague, Czech Republic 
The Prague through towers covered with snow, and streets winding, ideal city for the stories of fictional and which are still relatively in the winter months, free of tourists, and the architecture, seems nicer under the cover of snow, in one of the most beautiful areas of the old, which has towers and cellars Romania , was re-installed gas lamps in the street recently in all parts of the city center, he added a touch romantic fancy, is deployed in the streets, cafes, perfect for an escape from the bitter cold.
2 Salzburg, Austria 
The city is teeming markets and traditional songs Holiday Birth, among the cities best to spend a winter holiday, and played the music of "Silent Night" special Christmas for the first time in the city Obindorv on the outskirts of the city of Salzburg on the eve gala Birth in 1818, and held the main market in the city Under Hohensalsborg Castle in the city of Salzburg, but the market, which is held in the courtyard of Mirabell especially popular with food lovers who eat delicious local dishes, such as pieces of fried dumpling Alhlski.
3 Tromso, Norway
There are several reasons about a typical Norwegian city of Tromso, the capital of the Arctic, in the winter, and spread fascinating museums in the city, including the Polar Museum, which offers a look at the history of missions in the Arctic, and the Museum of Tromso.
4 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
In the winter, empty museums in Amsterdam from citizens, what makes a visit attractions such as the Rijksmuseum or "that Franks House," is ideal, but the theater, "The Royal Carrie," which was built to house the circus, it celebrated the farther the 125 last year, The children often prefer to spectacular performances, depicting athletes from Russia, North Korea and China.
5 Nagano, Japan 
As the host city for the Winter Olympic Games earlier, the Nagano is an excellent base for exploring the ski resorts, the natural hot springs on the outskirts of the city, they are perfect after a long day of skiing on the slopes. Buddhist temples and deserve beautiful snow covered the discovery, as well as the Folklore Museum, which displays on a large screen of the members of the "Alnaneja" who have been trained in the place.
6 Reykjavik, Iceland 
Although the capital of Iceland is one of the coldest spots in Europe, but it has a lot of natural hot springs.The annual Winter Festival of Lights, which will be held in the month of February, is considered a celebration of a stunning winter, visitors can participate in a wide range of types of winter sports, offering all cafes sweet bread and homemade brown.
7 Berlin, Germany 
The markets Holiday Birth ideal destination for the treatment of expenses Holiday Birth through the availability of retail shops, as Berlin has more than 60 of these stores. As children, Faihbon market in the town of Root Ratos, which has a small train and SEALs, famous "Gendarmenmarkt", a place to shop for months in the city of handmade goods.
8 Ottawa, Canada 
It seems that the festival "and Antrlod" in the city of Ottawa is one of the largest winter festivals in the world. It starts the festival from January 31 until February 17, as it is known for Pettmathilh ice, and his concerts in the open air, and ice skating, and the lights Holiday Birth in Canada, Wiczan streets between 5 December / December and January 7.
9, Washington, USA 
If you are roaming in Washington, DC, using the rail, you must not lose your eyesight Christmas tree, which has a length of 30 feet, which has been provided by the Norwegian embassy to the station "Ewenion Wagon", and seems to display lights stunning in the National Zoo between November / November and December / December, while the White House and the Lincoln Memorial, it seems they Almkanan most Abraca in winter.
10 Edinburgh, Scotland 
And make the cobbled streets and beautiful castle, and public parks picturesque, from Edinburgh is a beautiful city during any time of the year, and is converted to gardens in the streets to the land of wonders, as well as the ice rink, and the tree festival Birth huge wheel "Ferris."

Top 10 romantic restaurants in the world

Top 10 romantic restaurants in the world

Here the top 10 romantic restaurants in the world on the sea, with a special person to have, to get some romantic moments.

Huka Lodge, New Zealand

You can choose a lot of places to eat at the lodge Huka near Taupo, on the island north of New Zealand, there are more than 20 signature restaurant where, but for the experience of romance, you could get couples on the table of their own on the Waikato River, and is considered Huka Lodge is the destination of choice for those who They want to feel that they are alone in the world.

Restaurant Omburesa in Greece

It is well known in the Greek islands that Santorini is considered one of the most wonderful places to watch the sunset, and Oya best spot on the island to achieve this, the region crowded usually people to watch the sunset on the horizon, so to escape the crowds, go to a restaurant Omburesa delicacy Vhoaadh what offers cuisine kitchen modern Greek.

Lagoon, French Polynesia

When you think of romantic places it is hard to go past the white sandy beaches and blue waters of Bora Bora, where the restaurant is located above the Lagoon this famous water, and as the title suggests, and there is the famous restaurant in a luxury resort in St. Regis.

Aataha restaurant under the sea, in the Maldives

To get the views of the water with a difference, you experience the restaurant Aataha located under the sea, where you can dine on after 5 meters below sea level, is located just off Rangali Island, and allows you to eat while fish swim exotic Bjawark and top of your head and below.

Il San Pietro di Positano, Italy

Tovralamnhdarat dramatic Amalfi Coast and a wonderful backdrop for this luscious restaurant, where Il San Pietro overlooks the Italian coastal town of Positano, and provide lights candles all over the Michelin restaurant for a wonderful place for a romantic.

Lange King Hien, Hong Kong

Restaurant prides Lange King Hien be the first Cantonese restaurant, which got three stars, and the restaurant is located in the Four Seasons Hotel, and the place is sophisticated and has a lot of scenic.

Water Bar, United States

Water combines a restaurant and bar in San Francisco between the views stunts with a bit of fun, it is under the Bay Bridge, and offers stunning views of the city on the Gulf of stunning views of the water and aquariums.

Le Pont de la Tour, United Kingdom

This restaurant and enjoy delicious French cuisine while overlooking one of the most famous bridges in the world to me in the Pont de la Tour is located on the River Thames in London, Le Pont de la Tour overlooks the historic Tower Bridge.

In Cottage Point, Australia

Let the romance begin at the restaurant with a seaplane ride in Cottage Restaurant In Point near the Sydney Harbour and enjoy the north of the city with the most famous restaurant.

Pato Mochis, France

Not considered a list of restaurants on the waterfront the most romantic is complete without the presence of favorite Parisian restaurant, where Paris is a longtime city of love, and is considered Pato Mochis restaurant is the perfect choice for the holiday of love with getting dinner cruise along the Seine River.

Nicaragua ... the country of volcanoes and cloud forests

Nicaragua ... the country of volcanoes and cloud forests

Nicaragua countries safest in Central America and is characterized by eco-tourism, volcanoes and cloud forests and rainforest and beaches, and there are many resorts environmental such as Island Hikaru environmentally friendly, which is very ideal to visit the children, where you can take your kids with you on a trip environmental wonderful to Nicaragua.
You can go to the beaches of Nicaragua amazing and enjoy a lot of adventures that are out there, and watch rare birds and explore volcanoes, as well as all types of flowers, plants and birds of paradise and orchids and other poisonous plants used to treat headaches and toothaches.
The famous Nicaragua as one of the more places that attract tourists where to go to more than one million tourists a year because tourism is less expensive than other other countries are characterized with Hotel Colonial, which consists of about 36 rooms built in the style of old houses there and is about an hour's drive from the city of Managua .
You must visit Lake Nicaragua, which is the second largest lake in Latin America and are found in the island of Hikaru. Enjoy boat ride and buy what you need from gifts by going to the markets of Masaya Craft craft.
Nicaragua ... the country of volcanoes and cloud forests
Nicaragua ... the country of volcanoes and cloud forests
Nicaragua ... the country of volcanoes and cloud forests
Nicaragua ... the country of volcanoes and cloud forests
Nicaragua ... the country of volcanoes and cloud forests
Nicaragua ... the country of volcanoes and cloud forests
Nicaragua ... the country of volcanoes and cloud forests

The most beautiful romantic places in Jamaica

The most beautiful romantic places in Jamaica

When the weather is colder, the getaway for warm climates hello be doing a lot of tourists, and run away together today to Jamaica, which is one of the favorite places to escape the romantic spas brilliant.
Geejam which consists of five modern villas located on the top of the mountain away from the prying eyes through stone walls, thick or dense vegetation and designed for privacy and maximum characterized in that service by custom, each room with your cell phone to the side and having room service, 24-hour sessions Massage, located about 10 minutes from Frenchman's Cove, which is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
The Caves caves and consists of 11 huts of ginger colored and that environment is very unique for adults beside the green gardens and coastal cliffs dramas where divided sun spots between the platforms own and characterized these caves that they bring romance in the form of showers in the outdoors, and you can dine by candlelight inside the cave Perhaps many prefer holidays honeymoon in caves for Geejam.
Hotel & Resort GoldenEye and consists of 21 rooms the finest and most luxurious resort in Jamaica, is also considered one of the most historical monuments on the island, and includes the resort houses a stunning villas overlooking a private beach and lake, along with the presence of two of the finest restaurants, two swimming pools, a spa and resort features luxurious rooms overlooking on the water and quiet beaches.
Jake's is located on a remote beach and surrounded by a lot of the plants have all the rooms painted white by international designer Ralph Lauren and the rooms feature beds with four columns and tubs, stand-alone and private balconies overlooking the ocean, and there is also a spa-style colonial, which is just a little bit about the resort .
Jamaica Inn Jamaica Inn, which lies on a special part of the beach between the cliffs, and the houses Pensions are based in the outdoors with windows extending from floor to ceiling and contains all the wings on the handheld is more popular among couples and the right place for romance.
The most beautiful romantic places in Jamaica
The most beautiful romantic places in Jamaica
The most beautiful romantic places in Jamaica
The most beautiful romantic places in Jamaica
The most beautiful romantic places in Jamaica
The most beautiful romantic places in Jamaica

The best cruises for families

The best cruises for families

To get a great summer vacation with your kids this summer, you chose the best cruises for families, where you can take your kids with you free to enjoy all the advantages and offers available.
Carnival Cruise Lines' 24: 
If you want to enjoy your kids breakfast wonderful in the sea to the side of "cat and mouse", you can travel on a cruise aboard Carnival Cruise Lines' 24 this summer to go to the Eastern Caribbean from New York where he joins the characters cartoon like a cat-and-mouse to visitors on the tables to pick up souvenir pictures with them.
Carnival Cruise Lines' 24
Carnival Cruise Lines' 24
Carnival Cruise Lines' 24
Hapag-Lloyd Cruises: 
You can also launch within Europe in a wonderful trip aboard Hapag-Lloyd Cruises, where has a lot of equipment for children that encourage them to exercise a lot, especially golf, you will Taatmtaan to 13 days on a cruise from Hamburg to Travmond.
Hapag-Lloyd Cruises
Hapag-Lloyd Cruises1

Celebrity Cruises: 
Parents who do not care about the money so much they can take their children on a cruise fantastic in Europe aboard Celebrity Cruises, which offers exciting adventures and wonderful children and wonderful tours in Croatia, and the Disney Cruise has announced several cruises you can enjoy them in Alamadiik Norwegian and Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
Celebrity Cruises
Celebrity Cruises1
Celebrity Cruises2

Norwegian Epic: 
The progress of the Norwegian Epic, which is one of the largest within three naval ships in the world, a lot of distinctive activities and for children, such as children's fantasy world of floating club also includes the Children's Splash Academy. Ship sailing from Barcelona this summer.
Norwegian Epic
Norwegian Epic1
Norwegian Epic2
P & O Cruises: 
The trip on board the P & O Cruises are regarded as an adventure in the Mediterranean for the first time this summer. Will sail from Genoa or Venice and the many wonderful activities and Club Reef club dedicated to children and also is a great adventure for the very zappers currently browsing and divers.
P & O Cruises
P & O Cruises1
P & O Cruises2